PrivacyPolicy-Gamenix Studio

 Privacy Policy

10 February 2023

At Gamenix Studio, we think that you have a full right to be aware of our policies and the methods through which we gather user information. This privacy statement explains the information collection practises for both us and our third-party marketing and advertising partners. When we make changes to our privacy policy, we update the "last updated" date.

There are two different kinds of information that we gather from you when you play our games.

Information that identifies a specific user and may be sensitive in nature is referred to as personal information. Your IP address and Ad ID are only automatically collected when downloading a game or app or using the web, and they are used to improve user experience. The automatic collection of any further personal data is not performed. Please be aware that we do not store or process your credit card information. If you use one of our applications to buy virtual goods, only Google or Apple handle all credit card-related data.

Your consent and approval are required in order to collect any of your personal information. Only when you AGREE to the terms and privacy policy permission conversation in the game is information gathered.

Non-Personal Information: This category of data includes "Usage Data," which refers to anonymous information associated with your computer and/or device and includes things like the actions you perform both within and outside of Websites/Apps and the web browser you use. Device ID, location information, game progress, playing time, score, and accomplishments IDFAs, IDFVs, Advertising IDs, IP addresses, country codes, time zones, session start and stop timings, timestamps for SDK versions, language network status (WiFi, etc.), types and versions of browser plug-ins, Information about the technical aspects of the device, such as its model and name, operating system name and version, mobile phone carrier, CPU details, storage size, screen size, firmware, software, Internet service provider, and API key identifier for applications, such as the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) on Android, Android ID, and Android Serial No and any other non-personal information that Gamenix Studio Production deems reasonably necessary to improve the Services and other Gamenix Studio Production goods and services.

Utilize of Information Collected: We use the data we get about you and your device to run our business and provide you with better services. One example of such use by us and our Partners might be:

serve as a proxy for and gauge advertising effectiveness

operate, develop, and measure the health of our services as well as our games.

Determine, address, and resolve defects and service issues

For the purpose of promoting our apps, send you push notifications.

provide individualised gaming experiences based on your preferences

Whenever possible, make it easier for you to play on many devices.

Save your game's statistics and progress.

Your requested products, services, or features will be delivered.

Information Disclosure: Unless compelled by law or we judge that disclosure is arguably essential to protect our players or third parties, we will generally not disclose Personal Data that specifically identifies you to independent third parties without your permission. We might give third parties access to anonymous, aggregated, or other information that does not specifically identify you in order to deliver targeted advertising.

Here are some of the names of the third-party analytics and advertising services we utilise, along with a list of their supplier names.


Unity Ads:


Google Analytics:


Game Analytics:







Privacy of Children: (COPPA Complaint) The majority of our services are not intended for use by anybody under the age of 13, including children under 13. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is observed by us. We will not gather, retain, or utilise any information about a user who is identifiable within the Services as a minor under this legal age. Additionally, Gamenix Studio Production forbids third-party partners from gaining access to personally identifiable information of individuals under the age of 13. Gamenix Studio Production will immediately and securely erase any personal information that was supplied by a child under the age of 13 after learning that it had been received.

GDPR & CCPA Compliance: When you play one of our games, you will be prompted to give us permission to use your IP address and other identifiers to show you targeted adverts and improve your experience. Your information won't be processed if you don't give us permission, which could ultimately result in a bad user experience.

Push Notifications: With your permission, we'll send push notifications to your phone with information about game activity, service upgrades, and marketing texts and messages. By adjusting your device's notification settings, you can disable push notifications.

Information Transport Overseas: We reserve the right to transfer and retain your data and information on equipment and servers situated elsewhere, including but not limited to Australia, the United States of America, and other countries.

Information Removal: The information will be removed as soon as it is no longer required to fulfil the purposes for which it was acquired.

Security: Gamenix Studio Production employs the necessary procedural and technical safeguards to guard against unauthorised access, loss, and misuse of your information. However, as the Internet is not a secure environment by definition and security concerns are ever-evolving, we are unable to guarantee the complete protection of your information both online and offline. Therefore, you should always exercise caution while disclosing personal information online.

Modifications to this Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to make any changes to this Privacy Policy that we deem necessary. In order to stay current with our procedures, we urge you to review it periodically.

Contact Us:

Please email Gamenix Studio Production at if you have any inquiries about our privacy statement.

Developer Name: Gamenix Studio

Address: Mohalla Tape Road, 54000 Lahore, Pakistan

Contact Email:


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